Monday, March 17, 2008

Now Playing: Helter Skelter - The Beatles..Trick of the Light - The Who..Kentucky Fried Blues - Nazareth..A Little Love - Don and Dewey..Surfer Bird - The Trashmen..Yama Yama Pretty Mama - Richard Berry..Jungle Hop - Don and Dewey..Let the Four Winds Blow - Roy Brown..The Trouble with Harry - Novalty Record from 1955..Mojo Workout - Larry Bryte..Rockin Robin - Bobby Day autostart="true" loop="false" volume="50%" height="20" width="145">

Pomona Valley YMCA, Monterrey Street and N. Garey Ave, Pomona, Cal..Erected 1922..a 1955 photo 
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Frank, I hope you receive this comment. I can relate to what you have continued to endure. My mother was MK Ultra drugged,brainwashed, tortured, used for whatever they needed her to do, then institutionalized. I was stolen from her & raised by an abusive stepmother/handler. Tptb tried to put me away, but I wouldn't let them.
If you read this, please let me know. I friended you on G+.