Monday, March 17, 2008

Now Playing: Helter Skelter - The Beatles..Trick of the Light - The Who..Kentucky Fried Blues - Nazareth..A Little Love - Don and Dewey..Surfer Bird - The Trashmen..Yama Yama Pretty Mama - Richard Berry..Jungle Hop - Don and Dewey..Let the Four Winds Blow - Roy Brown..The Trouble with Harry - Novalty Record from 1955..Mojo Workout - Larry Bryte..Rockin Robin - Bobby Day autostart="true" loop="false" volume="50%" height="20" width="145">

Pomona Valley YMCA, Monterrey Street and N. Garey Ave, Pomona, Cal..Erected 1922..a 1955 photo 
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The Ebell Club in Pomona...
The Ebell Club with the famous big oak tree in the front (no longer there) located at the northwest corner of Caswell Street and Holt Ave in Pomona, CA...A 1956 photo..

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Young punk ATV Assholes with nothing better to do but make life miserable for everyone else with their never ending stupid little loud buzzing toys and their pathetic jacked-up toy haulers, tearing up the desert, polluting the air and the environment and scaring all the little desert animals to death with their attitudes and play toys..All of them little mama`s boys trying to be a man by proving they can be terrorists and destructive and drive idiotic stupid looking play toys around and to what purpose I ask..What benefits are they doing for their fellow man..I mean, come on, let`s get a life!!..All of them "maggots" were born with a silver spoon in their mouth anyway and had everything given to them in life that they asked for..I mean, come on, why not do something to help other people like all the homeless people around instead of just trying to terrorize everyone with their BULLSHIT!! ..And it`s all in the name of having a good time and having "FUN" at everyone else`s expense!!